Eden Phillpotts

The universe is full of magical things, patiently waiting for our wits to grow sharper.

26 February 2009


If there's one thing hiking has taught me, it's that if you consider the full length, the task becomes daunting and unappealing. But once you get started, and take it step by step, yard by yard, mile by mile, you'll make it to the top feeling accomplished and at peace. You've conquered something in yourself. Broken down boundaries that existed before. You feel like a new person. And that's what I'm doing in my recovery process right now.

I am going through so many psychological changes these days. I realized that the reason for so much of my recent unhappiness is that these changes created a disconnect from my good friends here. After going through so much as a freshman, I have to reform all these bonds in new ways and grow the relationships into something new so they don't stagnate. I'm lucky I have Aidyn, though. She is my only constant friend who I didn't know before I came to Evergreen. She's been around for me whenever I needed her, and I know that'll last. 

But... I must crack down on homework now and start to pull my life back together a little, one step at a time.

(Aidyn and me at our friend's 24th white trash party. She's wearing a wig.)

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