Hey, y'all.
So, I'm starting my adventures this weekend at the Evergreen State College, as you all know, and I've decided to keep this blog updated for both my personal sanity and (hopefully) your enlightenment and entertainment. Who knows where this will lead me... Perhaps I'll end up blogging about the many factors that went into my decision to drop out of school, move to Oregon, and grow pot for a living.
As comforting as that is to hear for my parents, one never knows where her future will take her. It's like the great EL Doctorow once said: Writing a novel is like driving at night. You can only see a little ways in front of you, but you can make any destination that way. I'm assuming he's taken into account mileage, speed limits, and road access, but the point is that anything and everything is possible - and even sometimes likely. I could end up working for the UN (god forbid), writing novels about Serious Human Dilemmas, or teaching undergraduate students how to properly read Shakespeare. I might even fulfill my father's dreams for me by becoming a computer scientist, or his nightmares by converting to fundamentalist Islam/Christianity. It really doesn't matter which; it would still horrify and depress him.
In any case, I will go where I go, and I will do what I do, and I will blog about all of it right here.
I'm Abby Anderson.
Good night, and have a pleasant tomorrow.
$8 Billion budget deficit in WA: Almost as bad as CA
15 years ago
Lol, I am so excited for this. I know that sounds ridiculous, but it's so incredibly true. If you do go down to Oregon...give me a jingle, I can hook you up with a few clients...
Ha, everyone who doesn't know me thinks that last sentence was serious.
Looking forward to your insights!
Who took the cool photo?
You, Laurie...
Umm... What about your dream of becoming a crazy professor of Victorian studies!? Have you already abandoned that!?
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